Top tips for maintaining data privacy in your smartphone.

Carrying entire digital information on your mobile devices can be difficult nowadays. Whether you own an iOS or an Android device, Apple and Google can collect information about places you go, the apps you run, the search queries you type into the web browser and so on. Hence it is difficult to tell who has access to your data and what it is being used for.

Here are few ways to maintain privacy in your smartphone:

Set tougher passwords: A password with mix of cases, numbers and special cases makes up a secure password. It’s not safe to depend on the same code for various accounts and for this purpose there are huge number of apps that can help you to manage these passwords and can even generate strong random passwords. So, a strong passcode is the first way to prevent data theft in case you lose your phone.

Manage application permissions:

Applications that we use daily for several activities asks for permissions to access key functions and data like contacts list, photos and calendar and also control hardware access to components like your camera and microphone. iOS and Android application development companies India now allow a user to limit an app’s ability to collect more data. If a permission is really necessary for an app to function, it will ask for access repeatedly and you can switch it on or else you can just turn access off.

Security software: Security software can help you to avoid many of the potential dangers associated with smartphones. This software offers standard malware, spam and firewall protection that help you control your phone from far away and if it has GPS feature then it can help you in tracking your device if it is lost or stolen. It is possible to lock a device or erase sensitive data remotely requiring password access on the device or specific unlock request to enable it.

Don’t ignore updates: Update your apps and operating system regularly. Risk of data loss is high for a device with an outdated OS. It is important to keep your smartphone up to date. Even the small updates will fix the bugs and improves security. Make sure that your smartphone is running the newest version to avoid your data from hacking. One of the common practices in mobile app development is to release beta version of apps, while not labeling its status up front, as many developers keep improving the apps with updates. So, in order to keep up with the security trends, always update.

Avoid Third-party app stores:

Download apps only from Google Play Store if you are an Android user. It will eliminate the risk of accidentally downloading a malicious app whereas, iPhone users have to download app from App store which is generally a safe place to download. Stick to standard apps with high ratings and known developers. Instead of following links or search engine results, always navigate directly to the operating system’s authenticated storefront to avoid leading landing up on fake pages.

Turn on Do Not Track in your browser: Turning this option on will keep the possibility of personal data leak, at bay. Browsers like Chrome and Safari have options to tell websites not to track you, which is the way they gather advertising data and other personally identifying info.

Following the above tips will prevent your phone from threats. Make sure that you keep location usage minimum, uninstall apps that are no longer needed, check app permissions before updates and change passwords regularly. If you want to store your sensitive and private data in a secure app, then FuGenX will help you in developing such app. FuGenX Technologies, a global mobile apps development companies India with proven experience in developing world-class mobile apps for global customers.
